Lecture Notes
  • Gibbons' (1997) JEP paper
  • Lecture 1, 26.02.2010, 10-12 a.m./2-4 p.m., Lecture Room M3
    Slot 1.1. Static Games of Complete Information - handout 1, Slides_1.1.
    Slot 1.2. Economic Application: Cournot versus Bertrand Model of Duopoly - handout 1.2.
  • Lecture 2, 12.03.2010, 10-12 a.m./2-4 p.m., Lecture Room M3
    Slot 2.1. Dynamic Games of Complete and Perfect Information - handout 2, Slides_2.1.
    Slot 2.2. Economic Application: Stackelberg Model of Duopoly - handout 2.2.
  • Lecture 3, 26.03.2010, 10-12 a.m./2-4 p.m., Lecture Room M3
    Slot 3.1. Dynamic Games of Complete but Imperfect Information - handout 3, Slides_3.1.
    Slot 3.2. Economic Application: Imperfect International Competition
  • Lecture 5, 23.04.2010, 10-12 a.m./2-4 p.m., Lecture Room M3
    Slot 5.1. Static Games of Incomplete Information - Slides_5.1.

Homework Assignments

Written Exam Information