

Lectures and Excercises are on Thursdays 10 am, room MN-N4

Presentations: Students are advised to make one presentation during the semester. To schedule the presentation students have to send me an email one week in advance (dragana.stanisic@cerge-ei.cz). Students are free to choose topic of their interest and they are advised to work in groups of two.


Week 1
Lesson 1

Week 2
Lesson 2

Week 3
Lesson 3 (Ivan Sutoris)
Article for discussion

Week 4
Lecture 4
Economic Growth and Development in Central and Eastern Europe after the Transformation

Week 5 and 6
Lecture 5_6
Case study: Botswana
Fostering growth in CEE countries: a country-tailored approach to growth policy

Week 7
Lecture 7

Week 8
Lecture 8 (Guest Lecture)

Week 9 and 10
Lecture 9
The Curse of Natural Resources in the Transition Economies (Kronenberg, 2011)

Week 11 and 12
Lecture 11_12
How Central Europe is transforming from outsources to a real tech hub? (Forbes, 2012)