Lecture Notes
  • Gibbons' (1997) JEP paper
  • Lecture 1, 24.02.2011, 2-5 p.m., Lecture Room M3
    Slot 1.1 Static Games of Complete Information - Slides1.1

  • Tutorial Session 1, 03.03.2011, 2-5 p.m., Lecture Room M3
    Slot 1.2 Economic Application:
    • Cournot (1838) Model of Imperfect Competition
    • Bertrand (1883) Model of Imperfect Competition
    • Farber (1980) Model of Final-offer Arbitration
    • Hardin (1968) Model on Tragedy of Gommons (described initially by Hume (1739))

  • Lecture 2, 10.03.2011, 2-5 p.m., Lecture Room M3
    Slot 2.1 Dynamic Games of Complete and Perfect Information Slides2.1

  • Tutorial Session 2, 17.03.2011, 2-5 p.m., Lecture Room M3
    Slot 2.2 Economic Application:
    • Stackelberg (1934) Model of Imperfect Competition
    • Leontief (1946) Model of Wages and Employment Setting in a Unionized Firm /graphical solution/
    • Rubinstein (1982) Model of Sequential Bargaining /as solved in Shaked and Sutton (1984)/

  • Lecture 3, 24.03.2011, 2-3 p.m., Lecture Room M3
    Slot 2.3 Dynamic Games of Complete but Imperfect Information Slides2.3

  • Tutorial Session 3, 24.03.2011, 3-5 p.m., Lecture Room M3
    Slot 2.4 Economic Application:
    • Diamond & Dybvig (1983) Simple Model of Bank Runs
    • McMillan (1986) Model of Tariffs and Imperfect International Competition

  • Lecture 4.1, 31.03.2011, 2-5 p.m., Lecture Room M3
    Slot 2.5.1 (Finitely) Repeated Games Slides2.5

  • Lecture 4.2, 07.04.2011, 3-5 p.m., Lecture Room M3
    Slot 2.5.2 (Infinitely) Repeated Games Slides2.5 /updated on 07.04.2011/

  • Tutorial Session 4, 14.04.2011, 2-5 p.m., Lecture Room M3
    Slot 2.6 Economic Application:
    • Collusion between Cournot Duopolists

  • Lecture 5, 21.04.2011, 2-5 p.m., Lecture Room M3
    Slot 3.1 Static Games of Incomplete Information Slides3.1

  • Tutorial Session 5, 28.04.2011, 2-5 p.m., Lecture Room M3
    Slot 3.2.1 Economic Application:
    • Cournot Duopoly Competition under Asymmetric Information supplementary handout
    • First-price Sealed-bid Auction

  • Lecture 6, 05.05.2011, 2-5 p.m., Lecture Room M3
    Slot 4.1 Dynamic Games of Incomplete Information

  • Tutorial Session 6, 12.05.2011, 4-5 p.m., Lecture Room M3
    Slot 4.2 Economic Application
    • Spence's (1973) Job Market Signaling model

    Homework Assignments

    Written Exam Information
    • Midterm Exam, 07.04.2011, 2-3 p.m., Lecture Room M3
      Performance statistics: Min: 13, Max: 25, Mean: 19.25; distribution

    • Final Exam: 26.05.2011, 2-4 p.m., Lecture Room M3
      Preliminary dates: 12.05./19.05.2011, 2-4 p.m.