- Please, note that the final exam will include material from BOTH semesters (questions as well as computational problems.
- My consultation hours will continue during the exam period (Monday 13:15 - 14:15). However, please, send me an email if you plan to stop by + try to indicate what you would like to talk about
- For people who have exam on 18.5 and want to consult before, I will be available on Thursday 14.5 from 1pm - 3pm in my office at CERGE (Politickych veznu 7, office 331). Please, write me an email in case you want to stop by.
- Lecture 1 (pdf)
- Lecture 2 (pdf) + Circulation diagram
- Lecture 3 (pdf)
- Lecture 4 (pdf) + Map of inflation (2007)
(9.3 - corrected typos)
- Lecture 5 (pdf)
- Lecture 6 (pdf)
- Lecture 7 (pdf)
- Lecture 8 (ppt1, ppt2)
- Lecture 9 (ppt3)
- Lecture 10 (ppt4)
- Lecture 11 (ppt5)
- please, read the questions in advance, we will discuss the ones you cannot answer on the session
Contact information:
Email: eva.hromadkova@gmail.com
P.O.Box 882
Politickych veznu 7
111 21 Praha 1