
AAU - Macroeconomics ECO 110/1- Spring 2010


please note that attendance rule had to be changed according to the general AAU rule - max 2 unexplained absences


!!! HOMEWORK 1 !!!

-set up



!!! HOMEWORK 2 !!!

-set up



!!! HOMEWORK 3 !!!

-set up


-additional problems



deadline - 23 May, midnight

-reading 1

-reading 2

-reading 3



L2: Market mechanism (with corrections and comments)

L3: National income (with corrections and comments)

L4: Unemployment (with corrections and comments)

L5: Money (with corrections and comments)

L6: Business cycles (with corrections and comments)

L7: IS-LM model (with corrections and comments)

L8: Budget deficits and national debt (with corrections and comments)

L9: Monetary policy (with corrections and comments)

L10: Supply-side policies (with corrections and comments)

L11: International trade (with corrections and comments)

L12: International finance (with corrections and comments)


Lecture 1 - Introduction into macroeconomics

- presentation

- questions to the Lecture 1

Lecture 2 - Market mechanism and role of public sector

- presentation

- questions to the Lecture 2

Lecture 3 - National income and determinants of consumption

- presentation

- reading: Mankiw ch.16 - Consumption

- questions to the Lecture 3

Lecture 4 - Unemployment

- presentation

- reading: Mankiw ch.6 - Unemployment

- questions to the Lecture 4

Lecture 5 - Money and inflation

- presentation

- reading: Mankiw ch.6 - Money and inflation

- questions to the Lecture 5

- worksheet

Lecture 6 - Business cycles

- presentation

- reading: Mankiw ch.9 - Business cycles

- questions to the Lecture 6

Lecture 7 - IS-LM model

- presentation

- reading: Mankiw ch.10,11 - Aggregate demand model

- questions to the Lecture 7

Lecture 8 -Budget deficit and debt

- presentation

- worksheet

- reading

- questions to the Lecture 8

Lecture 9 - Monetary policy

- presentation

- worksheet

- questions to the Lecture 9

Lecture 10 - Supply side policy

- presentation

- questions to the Lecture 10

Lecture 11 - International trade

- presentation

- worksheet

- questions to the Lecture 11

Lecture 12 - International finance

- presentation

- worksheet

- questions to the Lecture 12



Contact information:


    P.O.Box 882
    Politickych veznu 7
    111 21 Praha 1
