Martin Srholec

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Last update on 04/06/24

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Journals indexed in the Web of Science

Srholec, M. (2024) What if your paper were retracted for no credible reason?. Research Evaluation, forthcoming, (download)

Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2022) Predatory publishing in Scopus: evidence on cross-country differences. Quantitative Science Studies, 3, 859-887. (download)

Macháček, V., Srholec, M., Ferreira, M. R., Robinson-Garcia, N. and Costas, R. (2022) Researchers’ Institutional Mobility: Bibliometric Evidence on Academic Inbreeding and Internationalization. Science and Public Policy, 49, 85–97. (download)

Fagerberg, J. and Srholec, M. (2022) Capabilities, diversification & economic dynamics in European Regions. Journal of Technology Transfer, 48, 623-644. (download)

Sidorkin, O. and Srholec, M. (2022) Do Direct Subsidies Stimulate New R&D Outputs in Firms? Evidence from the Czech Republic. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 13, 2203-2229. (download)

Srholec, M., Žížalová, P. and Horák, P. (2021) Indigenous lead firms in rural regions: Geography of global production networks revisited. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 30, 221-238. (download)

Grillitsch, M., Schubert, T. and Srholec, M. (2019) Knowledge base combinations and firm growth. Research Policy, 48, 1, 234-247. (download)

Fagerberg, J., Lundvall, B-Å. and Srholec, M. (2018) Global value chains, national innovation systems and economic development. European Journal of Development Research, 30, 533-556. (download and free to view)

Fagerberg, J. and Srholec, M. (2017) Capabilities, Economic Development, Sustainability. Cambridge Journal of Economics, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41, 905-926. (download).

Grillitsch, M., Martin, R. and Srholec, M. (2016) Knowledge base combinations and innovation performance in Swedish regions. Economic Geography, 93, 458-479. (download)

Fagerberg, J. and Srholec, M. (2016) Global Dynamics, Capabilities and the Crisis. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 26, 765-784. (download)

Srholec, M. (2016) Persistence of cooperation on innovation: Econometric evidence from panel micro data. Prague Economic Papers, 25, 53-70. (download)

Goedhuys, M. and Srholec, M. (2015) Technological capabilities, institutions and firm productivity: A multilevel study. European Journal of Development Research, 27, 122-139. (download)

Srholec, M. (2015) Understanding the diversity of foreign cooperation on innovation across countries: Multilevel evidence from Europe. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 24, 159-182. (download)

Münich, D., Srholec, M., Moritz, M. and Schäffler, J. (2014) Mothers and daughters: Heterogeneity of German direct investments in the Czech Republic. Prague Economic Papers, 25. 42-62. (download)

Fagerberg, J., Feldman, M. and Srholec, M. (2014) Technological dynamics and social capability: U.S. states and European nations. Journal of Economic Geography, 14, 313-337. (download)

Srholec, M. and Žížalová, P. (2014) Mapping the geography of R&D: What can we learn for regional innovation policy in the Czech Republic and beyond? European Planning Studies, 22, 1862-1878. (download)

Srholec, M. (2014) Cooperation and innovative performance of firms: Panel data evidence from the Czech Republic, Norway and the United Kingdom. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 5, 133-155. (download)

Srholec, M. and Verspagen, B. (2012) The Voyage of the Beagle into innovation: Explorations on heterogeneity, selection and sectors. Industrial and Corporate Change, 21, 1221-1253. (download)

Srholec, M. (2011) A multilevel analysis of innovation in developing countries. Industrial and Corporate Change, 20, 1539-1569. (download)

Srholec, M. (2010) A multilevel approach to geography of innovation. Regional Studies, 44, 1207-1220. (download)

Srholec, M. (2009) Does foreign ownership facilitate cooperation on innovation? Firm-level evidence from the enlarged European Union. European Journal of Development Research, 21, 47-62. (download)

Fagerberg, J. and Srholec, M. (2008) National innovation systems, capabilities and economic development. Research Policy, 37, 1417-1435. (download)

Fagerberg, J., Srholec, M. and Knell, M. (2007) The competitiveness of nations: Why some countries prosper while others fall behind. World Development, 35, 1595-1620. (download)

Srholec, M. (2007) High-tech exports from developing countries: A Symptom of technology spurts or statistical illusion? Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), 143, 227-255. (download)

Šaroch, S., Srholec, M. and Tomšík, V. (2005) Euro adoption in the new EU member countries: Speed limits on a one-way road. Eastern European Economics, 43, 5-24. (download)

Plojhar, M. and Srholec, M. (2004) Political economics of investment incentives (in Czech). Politicka ekonomie, 52, 451-466. (download)

Srholec, M. (2003) Foreign direct investment and technology change (in Czech). Politicka ekonomie, 2003, 51, 695-713. (download)

Nachtigal, V., Srholec, M., Tomšík, V. and Votavová, M. (2002) Convergence process of Central and Eastern European countries toward the European Union as measured by macroeconomic polygons. Prague Economic Papers, 2002, 11, 291-317. (download)

Kadeřábková, A. and Srholec, M. (2001) Structural changes in transitive economies. Prague Economic Papers, 12, 335 – 351. (download)

Srholec, M. (2001) Macroeconomic development in Hungary after 1995 (in Czech). Politicka ekonomie, 49, 827 – 842. (download)

Kadeřábková, A. and Srholec, M. (2001) Intensity and technological aspects of structural changes in transition economies (in Czech). Politicka ekonomie, 49, 523 – 539. (download)


Other peer-reviewed journals (in Scopus only, etc.)

Sidorkin, O. and Srholec, M. (2014) Surviving the times of crisis: Does innovation make a difference? International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, 7, 124-146. (download)

Fagerberg, J., Srholec, M. and Verspagen, B. (2010) The role of innovation in development. Review of Economics and Institutions, 1, 1-29. (download)

Fagerberg, J. and Srholec, M. (2004) Structural changes in international trade: Cause, impact and response. Revue Economique, 55, 1071-1097. (download)

Srholec, M. (2004) Structural inertia and export performance: Adjusting to demand shifts in the European market. Statistika, 40, 31-50. (info)


Books and chapters in books

Fagerberg, J. and Srholec, M. (2017) Explaining regional economic performance:  the role of competitiveness, specialization and capabilities. In Huggins, R. and Thompson, P., eds., Handbook of Regions and Competitiveness: Contemporary Theories and Perspectives on Economic Development, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, chapter 5, 117–135. (book or wp version)

Fagerberg, J. and Srholec, M. (2013) Knowledge, capabilities, and the poverty trap: The complex interplay between technological, social, and geographical factors. In Meusburger, P., Glückler, J. and el Meskioui, M., eds., Knowledge and the economy, Vol. 5, Springer, 113-137. (info)

Srholec, M. (2012) Does foreign ownership facilitate cooperation on innovation? Firm-level evidence from the enlarged European Union. In Hveem, H. and Knutsen, C. H., eds., Governance and knowledge. The politics of foreign investment, technology and ideas, London, Routledge, 172-187, reprint. (info)

Fagerberg, J., Srholec, M. and Verspagen, B. (2010) Innovation and economic development. In Hall, B. and Rosenberg, N., eds., Handbook of the economics of innovation, Volume 2, North Holland, 833-872.(download book or wp version)

Fagerberg, J. and Srholec, M. (2009) Innovation systems, technology and development: Unpacking the relationship(s). In Lundvall, B.-A., Joseph, K.J., Chaminade, C. and Vang, J., eds., Handbook of innovation systems and developing countries. Building domestic capabilities in a global context, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 83-115. (book or wp version)

Knell, M. and Srholec, M. (2006) Diverging pathways in Central and Eastern Europe. In Lane, D. and Myant, M. eds., Varieties of capitalism in post-communist countries, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 40-64. (info)

Srholec, M. (2006) Global production systems and technological catching-up: Thinking twice about high-tech industries in emerging countries. In Piech, K. and Radoševič, S., eds., The knowledge-based economy in Central and East European countries: Countries and industries in a process of change, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 57-78. (info)

Srholec, M. (2004) Foreign direct investment in the Czech Republic: Theory and reality in comparative perspective (in Czech). Prague, Linde. (info)

Srholec, M. (2004) The role of foreign-owned firms in restructuring of the Czech manufacturing industry (in Czech). In: Kadeřábková, A., Spěváček, V. and Žák, M., eds., Growth, stability and competitiveness II. (in Czech), Prague, Linde, 338-355.

Srholec, M. (2004) Dynamic comparative advantages and catching-up (in Czech). In: Kadeřábková, A., Spěváček, V. and Žák, M., eds., Growth, stability and competitiveness II. (in Czech), Prague, Linde, 358-379.

Srholec, M. (2003) The technology gap and catching-up process in Visegrad countries. In: Piech, K., eds., Economic policy and growth of Central and East European countries, London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, 253-260.

Srholec, M. (2003) Foreign direct investment penetration in the Czech manufacturing industry (in Czech). In: Kadeřábková, A., Spěváček, V. and Žák, M., eds., Growth, stability and competitiveness (in Czech), Prague, Linde, 286-309.

Plojhar, M. and Srholec, M. (2003) Economic policy toward foreign direct investors (in Czech). In: Kadeřábková, A., Spěváček, V. and Žák, M., eds., Growth, stability and competitiveness (in Czech), Prague, Linde, 2003, 310-329.

Srholec, M. and Tomšík, V. (2002) Internal and external economic balance (in Czech). In: Šaroch, S., eds., Selelected topics in economic policy (in Czech), Prague, University of Economics, 71-120.

Kadeřábková, A. and Srholec, M. (2002) Structural changes during the transition process (in Czech). In: Spěváček, V., eds., Transformation of the Czech economy: Political, economic and social aspects (in Czech), Prague, Linde, 257-278.


Ph.D. theses

Srholec, M. (2005) Innovation and economic development in the global economy. Oslo, University of Oslo, Dissertation for the Degree of Dr. Polit (Ph.D.). (info)

Srholec, M. (2003) Foreign direct investment, technology change and economic policy in the Central European EU candidate countries. Prague, University of Economics in Prague, Dissertation for the Ph.D. Degree.


Papers for the United Nations

Fagerberg, J. and Srholec, M. (2005) Catching up: What are the critical factors for success? Vienna, UNIDO, Background paper for the UNIDO Industrial Development Report 2005. (info)

Srholec, M. (2005) Research and development activity of foreign affiliates: Firm-level evidence from the Czech Republic. UNCTAD 2005, mimeo (paper for the World Investment Report 2005). (info)

Fagerberg, J., Knell, M. and Srholec, M. (2004) The competitiveness of nations: Economic growth in the ECE region. Geneva, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 2004, UNECE Economic Survey of Europe No. 2/2004, 51-66. (download)


IDEA think-tank studies

Srholec, M. (2023) Differences in the Costs of Research in Higher Education across Scientific Fields: How Different Are They from „KENs“ in Teaching? (only in Czech). IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 8/2023. (talk and download)

Bajgar, M. and Srholec, M. (2023) Are Subsidies to Business R&D Effective? Regression Discontinuity Evidence from the TA CR ALFA Programme. IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 7/2023. (seminar and download)

Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2020) Where do universities recruit researchers? IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 2/2020, interactive application. (link)

Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2019) Globalization of Science. IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 6/2019, interactive application. (link)

Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2018) Které organizace mají nejcitovanější patenty? Nový pohled na hodnocení patentovaného výzkumu (only in Czech) IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 14/2018, interactive application. (link)

Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2018) Kde se nejvíce publikuje v predátorských a místních časopisech? (only in Czech) IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 4/2018, interactive application. (link)

Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2017) Místní časopisy ve Scopusu (only in Czech). IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 17/2017. (seminar video or download)

Sidorkin, O. and Srholec, M. (2017) Do direct subsidies stimulate new R&D output in firms? A comparison of IMPULS, TIP and ALFA programmes. IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 8/2017. (seminar video or download)

Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2017) Pod pokličkou Beallových seznamů (only in Czech). IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 6/2017. (seminar video or download)

Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2017) Predatory journals in Scopus. IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 2/2017. (seminar video or download)

Palguta, J., and Srholec, M. (2016) Do direct subsidies promote private R&D expenditure? Evidence from regression discontinuity design (only in Czech). IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 17/2016. (seminar video or download)

Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2016) Transfer znalostí do praxe podnikajícími akademiky v České republice (only in Czech). IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 15/2016. (download)


Policy reports, etc.

Srholec, M. and Sanchez-Martinez, M. (2018) RIO Country Report 2017: Czech Republic. JRC Working Papers JRC111276, Joint Research Centre. European Commission. (download)

Srholec, M. and Benedetti Fasil, C. (2017) RIO Country Report 2016: Czech Republic. JRC Working Papers JRC105858, Joint Research Centre. European Commission. (download)

Srholec, M. and Szkuta, K. (2016) RIO Country Report 2015: Czech Republic. JRC Working Papers JRC101175, Joint Research Centre. European Commission. (download)

Srholec, M. (2015) Návrh obecných zásad hodnocení programů účelové podpory výzkumu, vývoje a inovací a potřebných systémových změn (only in Czech). MŠMT, IPN Metodika projekt. (info and download)

Srholec, M. (2015) RIO Country Report 2014: Czech Republic. JRC Working Papers JRC96345, Joint Research Centre. European Commission. (download)


Working papers

For details see my profile at RePEc.