Martin Srholec

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About me





Private library



Last update on 11/04/24

Employment g

CERGE-EI, a joint workplace of Charles University and the Economics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague


Education g

Ph.D. in Science, technology and innovation studies (2005), University of Oslo, Norway

Ph.D. in Economics (2003), Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Republic


Research fields g

Economics of innovation, research evaluation, economic geography and development studies


Just bragging

Web of Science: 36 documents, 1,423 citations, h-index 16. Scopus: 45 documents, 1,712 citations, h-index 17. Google Scholar: 5,749 citations, h-index 53. RePEc: Ranked 13th in the Czech Republic, in the top 10 % in Europe and in the world.


Recent publications


Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2022) Predatory publishing in Scopus: evidence on cross-country differences. Quantitative Science Studies, 3, 859-887. (download)


Macháček, V., Srholec, M., Ferreira, M. R., Robinson-Garcia, N. and Costas, R. (2022) Researchers’ Institutional Mobility: Bibliometric Evidence on Academic Inbreeding and Internationalization. Science and Public Policy, 49, 85–97. (download)


Fagerberg, J. and Srholec, M. (2022) Capabilities, diversification & economic dynamics in European Regions. Journal of Technology Transfer, 48, 623-644. (download)


Sidorkin, O. and Srholec, M. (2022) Do Direct Subsidies Stimulate New R&D Outputs in Firms? Evidence from the Czech Republic. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 13, 2203-2229. (download)


Srholec, M., Žížalová, P. and Horák, P. (2021) Indigenous lead firms in rural regions: Geography of global production networks revisited. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 30, 221-238. (download)




Most cited publications


Fagerberg, J. and Srholec, M. (2008) National innovation systems, capabilities and economic development. Research Policy, 37, 1417-1435. (download)


Fagerberg, J., Srholec, M. and Knell, M. (2007) The competitiveness of nations: Why some countries prosper while others fall behind. World Development, 35, 1595-1620. (download)


Fagerberg, J., Srholec, M. and Verspagen, B. (2010) Innovation and economic development. In Hall, B. and Rosenberg, N., eds., Handbook of the economics of innovation, Volume 2, North Holland, 833-872.(download book or wp version)


Srholec, M. (2007) High-tech exports from developing countries: A symptom of technology spurts or statistical illusion? Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), 143, 227-255. (download)


Fagerberg, J., Lundvall, B-Å. and Srholec, M. (2018) Global value chains, national innovation systems and economic development. European Journal of Development Research, 30, 533-556. (download and free to view)


Srholec, M. (2010) A Multilevel Approach to Geography of Innovation. Regional Studies, 44, 1207-1220. (download)


Srholec, M. and Verspagen, B. (2012) The voyage of the Beagle into innovation: Explorations on heterogeneity, selection and sectors. Industrial and Corporate Change, 21, 1221-1253. (download)


Srholec, M. (2011) A multilevel analysis of innovation in developing countries. Industrial and Corporate Change, 20,1539-1569. (download)


Grillitsch, M., Schubert, T. and Srholec, M. (2019) Knowledge base combinations and firm growth. Research Policy, 48, 1, 234-247. (download)


Knell, M. and Srholec, M. (2006) Diverging pathways in Central and Eastern Europe. In Lane, D. and Myant, M. eds., Varieties of capitalism in post-communist countries, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 40-64. (download)




Selected policy-oriented studies


Srholec, M. (2023) Differences in the Costs of Research in Higher Education across Scientific Fields: How Different Are They from „KENs“ in Teaching? (only in Czech). IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 8/2023. (talk and download)


Bajgar, M. and Srholec, M. (2023) Are Subsidies to Business R&D Effective? Regression Discontinuity Evidence from the TA CR ALFA Programme. IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 7/2023. (seminar and download)


Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2020) Where do universities recruit researchers? IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 2/2020, interactive application. (link)


Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2019) Globalization of Science. IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 6/2019, interactive application. (link)


Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2018) Které organizace mají nejcitovanější patenty? Nový pohled na hodnocení patentovaného výzkumu (only in Czech) IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 14/2018, interactive application. (link)


Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2017) Local Journals in Scopus (only in Czech). IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 17/2017. (seminar and download)


Srholec, M. (2015) Návrh obecných zásad hodnocení programů účelové podpory výzkumu, vývoje a inovací a potřebných systémových změn (only in Czech). MŠMT, IPN Metodika projekt. (info and download)