Martin Srholec

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About me





Private library



Last update on 04/06/24

Employment g

CERGE-EI, a joint workplace of Charles University and the Economics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague


Education g

Ph.D. in Science, technology and innovation studies (2005), University of Oslo, Norway

Ph.D. in Economics (2003), Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Republic


Research fields g

Economics of innovation, research evaluation, economic geography and development studies


Bragging rights

Web of Science: 36 documents, 1,423 citations, h-index 16. Scopus: 45 documents, 1,712 citations, h-index 17. Google Scholar: 5,749 citations, h-index 53. RePEc: Ranked 13th in the Czech Republic, in the top 10 % in Europe and in the world.


Recent publications


Srholec, M. (2024) What if your paper were retracted for no credible reason?. Research Evaluation, forthcoming, (download)


Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2022) Predatory publishing in Scopus: evidence on cross-country differences. Quantitative Science Studies, 3, 859-887. (download)


Macháček, V., Srholec, M., Ferreira, M. R., Robinson-Garcia, N. and Costas, R. (2022) Researchers’ Institutional Mobility: Bibliometric Evidence on Academic Inbreeding and Internationalization. Science and Public Policy, 49, 85–97. (download)


Fagerberg, J. and Srholec, M. (2022) Capabilities, diversification & economic dynamics in European Regions. Journal of Technology Transfer, 48, 623-644. (download)


Sidorkin, O. and Srholec, M. (2022) Do Direct Subsidies Stimulate New R&D Outputs in Firms? Evidence from the Czech Republic. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 13, 2203-2229. (download)




Most cited publications


Fagerberg, J. and Srholec, M. (2008) National innovation systems, capabilities and economic development. Research Policy, 37, 1417-1435. (download)


Fagerberg, J., Srholec, M. and Knell, M. (2007) The competitiveness of nations: Why some countries prosper while others fall behind. World Development, 35, 1595-1620. (download)


Fagerberg, J., Srholec, M. and Verspagen, B. (2010) Innovation and economic development. In Hall, B. and Rosenberg, N., eds., Handbook of the economics of innovation, Volume 2, North Holland, 833-872.(download book or wp version)


Srholec, M. (2007) High-tech exports from developing countries: A symptom of technology spurts or statistical illusion? Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), 143, 227-255. (download)


Fagerberg, J., Lundvall, B-Å. and Srholec, M. (2018) Global value chains, national innovation systems and economic development. European Journal of Development Research, 30, 533-556. (download and free to view)


Srholec, M. (2010) A Multilevel Approach to Geography of Innovation. Regional Studies, 44, 1207-1220. (download)


Srholec, M. and Verspagen, B. (2012) The voyage of the Beagle into innovation: Explorations on heterogeneity, selection and sectors. Industrial and Corporate Change, 21, 1221-1253. (download)


Srholec, M. (2011) A multilevel analysis of innovation in developing countries. Industrial and Corporate Change, 20,1539-1569. (download)


Grillitsch, M., Schubert, T. and Srholec, M. (2019) Knowledge base combinations and firm growth. Research Policy, 48, 1, 234-247. (download)


Knell, M. and Srholec, M. (2006) Diverging pathways in Central and Eastern Europe. In Lane, D. and Myant, M. eds., Varieties of capitalism in post-communist countries, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 40-64. (download)




Selected policy-oriented studies


Srholec, M. (2023) Differences in the Costs of Research in Higher Education across Scientific Fields: How Different Are They from „KENs“ in Teaching? (only in Czech). IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 8/2023. (talk and download)


Bajgar, M. and Srholec, M. (2023) Are Subsidies to Business R&D Effective? Regression Discontinuity Evidence from the TA CR ALFA Programme. IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 7/2023. (seminar and download)


Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2020) Where do universities recruit researchers? IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 2/2020, interactive application. (link)


Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2019) Globalization of Science. IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 6/2019, interactive application. (link)


Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2018) Které organizace mají nejcitovanější patenty? Nový pohled na hodnocení patentovaného výzkumu (only in Czech) IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 14/2018, interactive application. (link)


Macháček, V. and Srholec, M. (2017) Local Journals in Scopus (only in Czech). IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI, Study 17/2017. (seminar and download)


Srholec, M. (2015) Návrh obecných zásad hodnocení programů účelové podpory výzkumu, vývoje a inovací a potřebných systémových změn (only in Czech). MŠMT, IPN Metodika projekt. (info and download)