Research projects




  • Ethnic Diversity and Well-Being
    This paper investigates how ethnic diversity of immigrants (measured using migrant country of origins) correlates with well-being of natives. Using region-year variation of ethnic diversity and subjective measures of well-being in various highly immigrated regions of Germany, we find a positive effect ethnic diversity on the well-being of natives. The results are highly robust to numerous specification checks including a correction for possible non-random selection of natives and migrants into regions. The result is consistent with respect to welfare benefits of multiculturality, social capital, democratic decentralization and also assimilation of migrants in the regions.

  • Unemployment Benefits and Immigration: Evidence from the EU
    The purpose of the study is to test the welfare magnet hypothesis for international migration, which suggests that migrants move across countries because of the differences in the welfare systems. The analysis is based on a panel of 19 European countries observed over the period 1993 to 2008. The instrumental variable approach reveals that  changes in benefit spending are not associated with changes in immigrant inflows from within or outside the EU. Our results lead to the rejection of the welfare magnet hypothesis.
    published paper, see also IZA DP 6075
  • Social Networks and Labour Market Outcomes of Rural to Urban Migrants in China
    Social networks are an important informal channel through which information about job
    opportunities is transmitted to individuals. This paper explores the relationship between social networks and wages of Chinese rural to urban migrants. The findings indicate that a larger network (size) and having a closest contact that is employed (network quality) are associated with higher wages for migrants who found a job through informal channels.
    preliminary draft version
  • Post-enlargement migration and ‘social dumping’
    Paper provides an encompassing perspective on labour market cleavages between migrants from new EU member states and natives in old EU member states. It thus sheds light on how post-enlargement mobility, interacting with the consequences of the economic downturn, has affected the social fabric in the receiving countries. We conclude that equal treatment and skill mismatch remain key policy challenges for the EU.
    book chapter
  • Unequal Access to Higher Education in the Czech Republic: The Role of Spatial Distribution of Universities
    The study explores the difference in the probability of entering a tertiary education for two secondary school graduates who differ only in that the first one resides within commuting distance to university while the other one does not. The results suggest that the presence of a university per se is not driving the student’s decision to apply, but it constitutes a premium in the admission examinations. We further show that the influence of a local university is specific to the field of study. The premium becomes larger if the student applies to a highly oversubscribed program.
    (download as IZA DP 6285 and CERGE-EI WP 350)
  • An empirical analysis of welfare dependence in the Czech Republic.
    This paper demonstrates the existence of a welfare trap in the Czech Republic, created by the tax and social security systems. Individuals who receive relatively higher social benefits are also more likely to remain unemployed. Findings imply that the most affected groups are those with low education and long unemployment spells.The results of the analysis support policy improvements towards low-income households. A better harmonization of tax and social security systems is necessary in order to ensure that the incentives to leave unemployment are not hampered by high social benefits.
    (download paper
    also as IZA DP 7478 and CELSI DP 16).
  • Global Living Wage
    In the last decade the concept of living wage has received renewed international attention. While a living wage might mean different things in different parts of the world, all living wage campaigns aim to ensure wages are sufficient to meet the basic needs of workers and their families. Despite its importance, internationally comparable estimates of living wage do not exist.I worked on the concept that uses the data base of prices collected through web-surveys in order to provide timely, reasonably accurate and globally comparable estimates. The living wage estimates are normatively based and provide a practical basis for helping to set the level of a statutory minimum wage in the countries.
    See paper, slides and Living Wage map.
  • WageIndicator
    The aim of WageIndicator is to provide the most reliable wage information for any specific occupation and worker’s profile. WageIndicator collects data by means of a voluntary web-based survey available at national WageIndicator sites. My responsibility in the project is the preparation of Salary Checks in 80 countries. The Salary Check predicts the expected wage for a given profile of worker's characteristics. In other words, it answers the question how much can an individual of given characteristics expect to earn.
    Project website:

  • Knowledge for INtegration Governance (KING)
    The project comprises expert specialists from the seven disciplines to elaborate a report on the state of play of migrant integration in Europe.
    Project website
  • GINI Project
    I collaborated on country reports for the Czech and Slovak Republics in the GINI project that studies the economic, social, cultural and political impacts of increasing inequality in the Europe. The results of GINI are published in two volumes by Oxford University Press.
    Final report and project website:
  • Skill Needs Forecasting
    Between 2005 and 2008, I was involved in developing the ROA-CERGE prognostic model for the Czech Republic. The model evaluates employment prospects for holders of various qualifications in the short-term horizon. In this way it provides timely information on what qualifications and how many workers holding them the economy will need, and assesses who has good prospects finding appropriate employment. Further model evaluates employers’ chances of finding workers with preffered qualifications. (project reports: 2005 (pdf); 2006 (pdf); 2007 (pdf); 2008 (pdf))
    Results are published here:

By Martin Guzi |  Last update: January, 2015