Klára Kalíšková

Personal webpage


Work in progress:

Ukrainian refugees, native workers, and firm performance: Evidence from four countries (with Ewa Galecka-Burdziak, Kamila Cygan-Rehm, Tomáš Lichard, and Robert Pater):

The Russian invasion of Ukraine resulted in an unprecedented influx of Ukrainian refugees into several Central and Eastern European countries. This created the need to absorb and integrate a substantial number of potential workers into local labor markets. In this paper, we study the impact of Ukrainian refugees on incumbent workers and firms in several heavily affected countries, such as the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, and Slovakia. Specifically, we apply a shift-share instrumental variables design to country-specific datasets that combine administrative data on migrant stocks and flows with registry records on labor market outcomes of incumbent workers and performance measures of their firms. Cross-country comparisons allow us to test the role of specific institutions in shaping responses to the shock.

Covid-19, work from home, and labor market trajectories in the long run (with Alena Bičáková and Kamila Cygan-Rehm):

The Covid-19 pandemic was a severe shock to employers and employees in the form of substantial restrictions on face-to-face meetings, leading to an unexpected increase in work-from-home (WFH) arrangements. This may have affected the way individuals work and the skills they need to successfully adapt to the new working conditions. In this paper, we use the sharp increase in WFH in Germany in March 2020 as a natural experiment to examine its long-term effects on the labor market trajectories and human capital of affected workers. To this end, we combine survey data on the occupational WFH potential of a given job with individual data on labor market biographies from German social security records. Using event studies and a difference-in-difference design, we compare the career trajectories of individuals who held jobs with high and low WFH potential immediately before the pandemic. We pay particular attention to potential gender differences, as the pandemic disproportionately affected parents, especially women.

How did Covid-19 stabilization measures affect employment and firm performance? (with Tomáš Lichard):

Czech government introduced several measures aimed at mitigating the economic impact of the covid-19 epidemic on firms and workers. We will evaluate the effectiveness of the resources spent on these policies and estimate their impact on employment and on the survival and performance of companies. We will take advantage of the Antivirus C program that was approved on June 16, 2020. Under this program, firms with up to 50 employees did not have to pay employer social security contributions. The condition of the program was that the firm did not reduce employment. We will analyze the impact of this policy using regression discontinuity design (RDD) comparing the firms with slightly less than 50 employees (treatment group) and slightly more than 50 employees (control group). As the eligibility for Antivirus C was determined according to number of employees as of March 31, 2020, there was little scope for manipulation. The threshold can thus be perceived as exogenous and used in estimation of the policy impact. We will utilize ISPV employer-employee data together with administrative data on the recipients of Antivirus C from the Czech Social Security Administration.

Household bargaining and own income: Application to a pension reform in the CZ (with Ian Levely):

In the Czech Republic, married couples can choose a joint assessment base for calculating their old-age pension. This choice affects both individual pensions and total household income. The research examines how couples decide on a scheme and how household bargaining influences the outcome, particularly if couples choose a scheme that doesn't maximize total income. Using data from the Czech Social Security Agency or the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement (SHARE), and a field experiment with nudging treatments, we aim to understand how much people are willing to trade personal income gains for overall household income.


Bičáková, A., and Kalíšková, K (2024). Is longer maternal care always beneficial? The impact of a 4-year paid parental leave. Journal of Population Economics, 37, 36.

Kalíšková, K., and Münich, D. (2023). The impact of childcare availability on maternal employment: Evidence from Czech municipalities. PLoS ONE, 18(7): e0288987.

Bičáková, A., and Kalíšková, K. (2022). Career-Breaks and Maternal Employment in CEE Countries. In: Molina, J.A. (eds) Mothers in the Labor Market. Springer, Cham.

Kalíšková, K. (2020). Tax and Transfer Policies and the Female Labor Supply in the EU. Empirical Economics, 58(2), 749-775.

Bičáková, A., and Kalíšková, K. (2019). (Un)intended effects of parental leave policies: Evidence from the Czech Republic. Labour Economics, 61, 101783.

Bajgar, M., Janský, P., and Kalíšková, K. (2019). The Poor outside the Lamplight: On the Prevalence of Poverty among Population Groups Not Included in Household Surveys. Post-Communist Economies, 31(2), 181-199.

Bičáková, A., and Kalíšková, K. (2016). Výskyt a vznik nezaměstnanosti u žen s předškolními dětmi: Případ České republiky [Incidence and emergence of unemployment among women with preschool children: The Case of the Czech Republic].Politická ekonomie, 64(6), 695-712.

Janský, P., Kalíšková, K., and Münich, D. (2016). Does the Czech Tax and Benefit System Contribute to one of the Europe’s Lowest Levels of Relative Poverty and Inequality? Eastern European Economics, 54(3), 191-207.

Kalíšková, K., and Münich, D. (2015). Dopady zvýšení daňových slev na děti na rozpočty rodin a státu [Impact of increasing child tax credit on family and state budgets]. Politická ekonomie, 7, 847-859.

Dušek, L., Kalíšková, K., and Münich, D. (2015). The Poor or the Kids? Distributional Impacts of Taxes and Benefits Among Czech Households. Prague Economic Papers, 24(5), 602-617.

Kalíšková, K., (2014). Labor Supply Consequences of Family Taxation: Evidence from the Czech Republic. Labour Economics, 30, 234-244.

Dušek, L., Kalíšková, K., and Münich, D. (2014). Dopady reformy přímých daní k roku 2015: Vyhodnocení pomocí modelu TAXBEN [The impacts of the 2015 reform of direct taxation: evaluation with a TAXBEN model]. Politická ekonomie, 6, 749-768.

Dušek, L., Kalíšková, K., and Münich, D. (2013). Distribution of Average, Marginal, and Participation Tax Rates among Czech Taxpayers: Results from a TAXBEN Model. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 63(6), 474-504.

Policy briefs (mostly in Czech):

Kalíšková, K., Münich, D., and Šoltés, M. (2023). Pracovně motivační dopady návrhů daňových změn na zaměstnance. Policy brief IDEA 07/2023.

Prokop, D., Kalíšková, K., Šoltés, M., Münich, D., and Ostrý, M. (2023). Jak zachránit státní rozpočet a napravit nedostatky v danění příjmů? Studie v seriálu Czech Tax Papers (IDEA Think-tank a PAQ Research).

Kalíšková, K., Zapletalová, L. (2022). Kompenzace ztráty příjmů v pandemii covid-19: vítězové a poražení. IDEA studie 10/2022.

Federičová, M., Kalíšková, K., Zapletalová, L. (2022). Chudoba a sociální dávky v sociálně vyloučených lokalitách. IDEA studie 8/2022.

Kalíšková, K., Šoltés, M. (2022). Spočítali jsme za vás: Dopady zrušení superhrubé mzdy, snížení odvodů na sociální pojištění a zavedení daňových prázdnin. IDEA studie 4/2022.

Kalíšková, K., and Münich, D. (2022). Analýza dopadů (ne)dostupnosti míst v mateřských školách na participaci žen na trhu práce. Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí..

Bičáková, A., Kalíšková, K., Zapletalová, L. (2021). Maminka nebo školka? Dopady prodloužení čerpání rodičovského příspěvku na budoucí vzdělání a pracovní uplatnění dětí. IDEA studie 6/2021.

Bičáková, A., Kalíšková, K. (2020). Nechtěné plody prorodinných politik. IDEA studie 9/2020.

Kalíšková, K., Šoltéš, M. (2018). Dopady odkládaného zrušení superhrubé mzdy. IDEA studie 12/2018.

Bičáková, A., Kalíšková, K. (2018). The low-skilled in the Czech Republic. IDEA studie 3/2018.

Kalíšková, K. (2017). IDEA PRO VOLBY 2017. Rodinná politika ve volebních programech: přehled a rozbor. IDEA studie 14/2017.

Kalíšková, K. (2017). IDEA PRO VOLBY 2017. Podpora rodin s dětmi: daně, dávky a veřejné služby. IDEA studie 7/2017.

Janský, P,. Kalíšková, K., and Münich, D. (2016). Dopad daní a dávek na příjmovou nerovnost a relativní chudobu v České republice. IDEA studie 7/2016.

Kalíšková, K., Münich, D., and Pertold, F. (2016). Veřejná podpora míst ve školkách se vyplatí: analýza výnosů a nákladů. IDEA studie 3/2016.

Kalíšková, K. (2015). Skills Mismatches in the Czech Republic. IDEA study 10/2015.

Bičáková, A., Kalíšková, K. (2015). Od mateřství k nezaměstnanosti: Postavení žen s malými dětmi na trhu práce. IDEA studie 8/2015.

Kalíšková, K., Zapletalová, L. (2014). Společným zdaněním k nižší zaměstnanosti žen. IDEA studie 10/2014.

Kalíšková, K., Münich, D. (2014). Komu pomůže navrhované zvýšení slevy na dani na dítě? IDEA studie 3/2014.

Kalíšková, K. (2014). Ženy v českém finančním sektoru 1994-2012: Nové pracovní příležitosti pro mladé a vzdělané. IDEA studie 1/2014.

Dušek, L., Kalíšková, K., and Münich, D. (2013). Kdo a kolik odvádí do společné kasy? Zdanění příjmů ze zaměstnání a podnikání v českém systému. IDEA studie 8/2013.

Dušek, L., Kalíšková, K., and Münich, D. (2013). Co by od roku 2015 přinesla již schválená reforma. IDEA studie 7/2013.

Kalíšková, K., Münich, D. (2012). Češky: Nevyužitý potenciál země. IDEA studie 3/2012.

Kalíšková, K., (2012). Pracovní motivace českých žen a ekonomické dopady daňového a sociálního systému. FÓRUM sociální politiky, 5(6), 9-17.

Janský, P., Kalíšková, K. (2011). Jak sjednocení DPH kompenzovat rodinám s dětmi. IDEA studie 5/2011.