by topic:
I have a WoS H index 12, Google Scholar H
index 23, and rank in the top 10% in the EU (or Europe) in RePec.
My best cited paper is on gender differences in competitive behavior (AERpp
My recent PNAS paper on
social linkages and Holocaust survival was featured in the Wall
Street Journal. The ongoing
project on McWages with O. Ashenfelter was cited in The Economist, The
New York Times, and was recently covered in the Financial
Times. My 1990s research on Unemployment Insurance was featured in the Wall
Street Journal, on,
in a NYTimes
blog , and on Bloomberg.
(For my Czech news/tv coverage, see here.)
Intergenerational Transmission of Political Values
What’s in a Name in a War (with Dejan
Kovac) Journal of
Population Economics, lead paper in issue 1/2021
Forced Migration, Staying Minorities,
and New Societies: Evidence from Post-war Czechoslovakia (with Jakub Grossmann and Felix Roesel)
American Journal of Political Science 68 (2): 751-766, 2024
Social Linkages and Survival of the Holocaust
Preexisting social ties
among Auschwitz prisoners support Holocaust survival (with T.Jelínek and M. Bělín) Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences (PNAS) Vol. 120 No. 29. Kudos
Social Networks and Surviving the
Holocaust (with Matej Belin and Tomas Jelinek)
Analyses of Theresienstadt Prisoners
(with Tomas Jelinek) SHOAH: INTERVENTION. METHODS. DOCUMENTATION Vol. 8, 2021, No.2
Minimum Wages, and Price Pass-through: The Case of McDonald's Restaurants
(with O.
Ashenfelter) Journal of Labor Economics vol. 40, S1, 2022
U.S. Low-Wage Structure: A McWage Comparison (with O. Ashenfelter) Review
of Economics and Statistics, accepted
Cross-country Comparisons of Wage
Rates: The McWage Index (with O. Ashenfelter) Currently collecting more data across over 80
countries as well as within the US.
Political Accountability
COVID-19 and Political
Preferences (with Alena
Bičáková) accepted at Political Research Quarterly
Voting under Debtor Distress
(with Jakub Grossmann) R&R in Electoral
Divorces Whom: Unilateral Divorce Legislation and the Educational Structure of
Marriage (with Geghetsik Afunts ) Demography (2024), 61 (4): 1097–1116. NIUSSP
of Matching Markets
LATE Estimators under Costly
Non-compliance in Student-College Matching Markets (with M. Drlje) ?
Gender Gaps
Gender Gap in Performance under Competitive Pressure
(with Daniel Münich)
(short version here) in the American Economic Review: P&P 2011
Gender Composition of Tertiary Education and Early
Fertility (with Alena
Review of Economics of the Household, 2017
Field of Study Homogamy (with Alena Bičáková)
under review
Gender in Banking and Mortgage
Behavior (with Radek Janhuba) Applied Economics Letters, in press
Gender Wage Gaps
Czech Female Managers and their Wages (with T. Paligorova) Labour Economics
When Do ‘Female’ Occupations Pay More? (with H. Harmgart)
Journal of Comparative Economics,
Gender Segregation and Wage Gap: An East-West Comparison in Journal of the European Economic
Association, Papers and Proceedings, 2005
Gender Wage Gap and
Segregation in Enterprises and the Public Sector in Late Transition Countries
in Journal of Comparative
Economics, 2003
Admission to Selective Schools, Alphabetically (with Daniel Münich) in the Economics
of Education Review 2010
Alphabetical Order Effects in
School Admissions (with Daniel Münich) in Research Papers in Education 2016
Candidate Ballot Information and Election Outcomes:
The Czech Case (with Daniel Münich) in Post-Soviet
Affairs 2016
Capital Spillovers in Transition
Are There Increasing Returns to Local Concentration of
Skills? Evidence from Transition, Nov
Unemployment and Human Capital in Transition Economies (with Katherine Terrell) Economics of
Transition 2009.
Transition Job Reallocation
Job Growth in Early Transition:
Comparing Two Paths (with Katherine Terrell) Economics of Transition, 2003
Job Reallocation in Two Cases of
Massive Adjustment in Eastern Europe (with Katherine Terrell) World Development, 2008
Foreign Ownership and
Corporate Performance: The Czech Republic at EU Entry (with Juraj
Stancik) in the Czech Journal of Economics and
Finance 2012
Finance and Growth
Financial Development and Corporate Growth in the EU Single
Market (with J. Bena) in Economica 2011
Which Firms Benefit More from Financial Development?
(with J.
Bena) 2007
Labor Market and Education
Czech Kurzarbeit: First
Evidence from the First Pandemic Wave with Pavla
Doleželová, ? 2021
and Wages in the Czech and Slovak Republics During Transition (with Randall
Filer and Ján Plánovský) Labour
Economics, 6 (4), 581‑593, 1999
Czech Returns to Schooling: Does
the Short Supply of College Education Bite? Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a úvěr), 55 (1-2), 83-95, 2005
Understanding Long-Term
Unemployment in the Czech Republic (with D. Münich) Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a úvěr), 53 (1), 11-30, 2003
Occupational Gender Segregation
in the Czech Republic (with
Michal Franta) Czech Journal of Economics and
Finance (Finance a úvěr), 57 (5-6), 255-271,
How to Overhaul the Labor Market:
Political Economy of Recent Czech and Slovak Reforms: World Bank Working Paper No. 31433, 2004. Text
Trade Union Coverage and
Descriptive Wage Gap in the Czech Republic: Presentation
US Unemployment Insurance
the Effect of Unemployment Insurance Compensation on the Labor Market Histories
of Displaced Workers Journal
of Econometrics, 2002
Recalls and Unemployment
Insurance Taxes Applied Economics Letters, 2004
Unemployment Spells and
the Extended Unemployment Benefits in Local Labor Markets (with Frederick Tannery) Industrial
and Labor Relations Review, 2003 This paper was used to argue that
extending unemployment insurance benefits in the US in 2010 is not desirable.
Specifically, it was featured in the Wall
Street Journal , on,
in a NYTimes
blog , on Bloomberg,
and used by a US senator in the Congress.
(It even made it into a Swiss newspaper in 2011.)
As we say in the concluding section of the paper, to make strong conclusions
about the UI extension effects, one needs to study the effect on accepted wages
as well, while the paper only looks at unemployment duration. We do not think
our results are affected by a coding error despite the footnote in Card et al. (2007).