restricted ========== Method of estimation = Ordinary Least Squares Dependent variable: LPSE Number of observations: 661 Mean of dep. var. = 5.10813 LM het. test = 1.02263 [.312] Std. dev. of dep. var. = .982084 Durbin-Watson = 1.76409 [<.004] Sum of squared residuals = 304.811 Jarque-Bera test = 11.7466 [.003] Variance of residuals = .466786 Ramsey's RESET2 = 17.4528 [.000] Std. error of regression = .683218 F (zero slopes) = 101.530 [.000] R-squared = .525929 Schwarz B.I.C. = 708.066 Adjusted R-squared = .520847 Log likelihood = -682.091 Estimated Standard Variable Coefficient Error t-statistic P-value LPRICE2 .221252 .055168 4.01050 ** [.000] LPRICE3 .174812 .093253 1.87460 [.061] LPRICE4 .127854 .114765 1.11405 [.266] LPRICE5 .271934 .082856 3.28200 ** [.001] LSUPPLY2 .089832 .038036 2.36179 * [.018] LSUPPLY3 .045823 .052792 .867996 [.386] LSUPPLY4 .022652 .044708 .506668 [.613] LSUPPLY5 .095802 .031968 2.99679 ** [.003] unrestricted ============ Method of estimation = Ordinary Least Squares Dependent variable: LPSE Number of observations: 661 Mean of dep. var. = 5.10813 LM het. test = .549169E-02 [.941] Std. dev. of dep. var. = .982084 Durbin-Watson = 1.86619 [<.484] Sum of squared residuals = 266.282 Jarque-Bera test = 15.3691 [.000] Variance of residuals = .423342 Ramsey's RESET2 = .462137 [.497] Std. error of regression = .650648 F (zero slopes) = 28.2148 [.000] R-squared = .581687 Schwarz B.I.C. = 741.329 Adjusted R-squared = .561071 Log likelihood = -637.429 Estimated Standard Variable Coefficient Error t-statistic P-value LPRICE2 .148956 .055444 2.68661 ** [.007] LPRICE3 .340788 .096050 3.54803 ** [.000] LPRICE4 .148196 .120252 1.23239 [.218] LPRICE5 .158318 .082529 1.91832 [.056] LSUPPLY2 .146693 .065092 2.25363 * [.025] LSUPPLY3 .072801 .052214 1.39427 [.164] LSUPPLY4 .031063 .045460 .683313 [.495] LSUPPLY5 .098564 .030863 3.19364 ** [.001] C 2.20737 .451651 4.88734 ** [.000] LSUPPLY1 -.159194 .069635 -2.28614 * [.023] LTNS -.118440 .045526 -2.60157 ** [.009] FOWNER1 -.024875 .025941 -.958922 [.338] FOWNER2 .019103 .028180 .677873 [.498] FOWNER3 -.028725 .025980 -1.10564 [.269] FOWNER4 -.055220 .030555 -1.80723 [.071] FOWNER5 -.388223E-02 .036062 -.107654 [.914] FDUMMY1 -.070957 .036515 -1.94322 [.052] FDUMMY2 -.095165 .026510 -3.58979 ** [.000] FDUMMY3 -.012504 .025532 -.489732 [.624] FDUMMY4 -.040226 .026371 -1.52536 [.128] FDUMMY5 .019660 .026304 .747385 [.455] FDUMMY6 -.036912 .030664 -1.20378 [.229] FDUMMY7 -.024000 .028401 -.845050 [.398] FDUMMY8 .011268 .025457 .442619 [.658] FDUMMY9 -.032236 .025440 -1.26711 [.206] FDUMMY10 -.016060 .025236 -.636387 [.525] FDUMMY11 -.010175 .027400 -.371342 [.711] FDUMMY12 -.040538 .025695 -1.57767 [.115] FSTAT1 .033278 .034673 .959775 [.338] FSTAT2 .044112 .057922 .761575 [.447] FSTAT3 .016134 .023554 .684983 [.494] FSTAT4 .078590 .028071 2.79972 ** [.005] F(24,629) Test Statistic: 3.792158, Upper tail area: .00000