Relationship between Reported Well-Being and Changes in Real Income for Various Inflation Levels
Grid-search/detail breakdown by possible inflationary levels for:
Table A.1
Details of the original search procedure (Table 3)
Contingency Tables for 9% Contingency tables/tests
for misclassifications between optimal inflationary level associated with
the Table A.1. (9%) and multiples of 5 per cent levels of inflation
Contingency Tables for 19% Contingency tables/tests
for misclassifications between optimal inflationary level associated with
the Table A.1. (19%) and multiples of 5 per cent levels of inflation
Table A.2
Loss function that weights misclassification by 2 categories (reported
one’s self as a great deal better off when real income has declined) as
twice as bad a failure as misclassification by only one category
Table A.3
Modification of the original search (Table 3),when individuals whose real
income was unchanged are considered misclassified if they reported themselves
as either better or worse off
Contingency Tables for 10% Contingency tables/tests
for misclassifications between optimal inflationary level associated with
the Table A.3. (10%) and multiples of 5 per cent levels of inflation
Contingency Tables for 20% Contingency tables/tests
for misclassifications between optimal inflationary level associated with
the Table A.3. (20%) and multiples of 5 per cent levels of inflation
Table A.4
Modification of the Table A.3., using the loss function as in Table A.2