Lecture Notes
  • Lecture 1, 20.09.2010, 7:40–9:15 a.m./9:20-11:00 a.m., Lecture Room P3 (KPMG Hall)
    Lecture 1: Introduction to Economics (Mankiw, Ch. 1-2)
    Tutorial Session - Discussion on the Ten Principles of Economics (with N. Gregory Mankiw) video clips

  • Lecture 2, 27.09.2010, 7:40–9:15 a.m./9:20-11:00 a.m., Lecture Room P3 (KPMG Hall)
    Lecture 2: Market Mechanism (Mankiw, Ch. 3)
    Tutorial Session 1: quizzes on chapters 1 and 2

  • Lecture 3, 04.10.2010, 7:40–9:15 a.m./9:20-11:00 a.m., Lecture Room P3 (KPMG Hall)
    Lecture 3: Market Equilibrium (Mankiw, Ch. 4)
    Tutorial Session 2: quizzes on chapter 3

  • Lecture 4, 11.10.2010, 7:40–9:15 a.m./9:20-11:00 a.m., Lecture Room P3 (KPMG Hall)
    Lecture 4: Consumer Demand Analysis (Mankiw, Ch. 21, Ch.5)
    Tutorial Session 3: quizzes on chapter 4

  • Lecture 5, 18.10.2010, 7:40–9:15 a.m./9:20-11:00 a.m., Lecture Room P3 (KPMG Hall)
    Lecture 5: Firm Supply Analysis (Mankiw, Ch. 5, Ch. 13)
    Tutorial Session 4: quizzes on chapters 5 and 21

  • Lecture 6, 25.10.2010, 7:40–9:15 a.m./9:20-11:00 a.m., Lecture Room P3 (KPMG Hall)
    Lecture 6: Perfectly Competitive Markets (Mankiw, Ch. 7, Ch. 14)
    Tutorial Session - solving homework 1 in class

  • Lecture 7, 01.11.2010, 7:40–9:15 a.m./9:20-11:00 a.m., Lecture Room P3 (KPMG Hall)
    Lecture 7: Monopoly and Government Policy (Mankiw, Ch. 6, 8, 15)
    Tutorial Session - Midterm Exam

  • Lecture 8, 08.11.2010, 7:40–9:15 a.m./9:20-11:00 a.m., Lecture Room P3 (KPMG Hall)
    Lecture 8: Oligopoly (Mankiw, Ch. 16)
    Tutorial Session 5: quizzes on chapters 14 and 15

  • Lecture 9, 15.11.2010, 7:40–9:15 a.m./9:20-11:00 a.m., Lecture Room P3 (KPMG Hall)
    Lecture 9: Monopolistic Competition (Mankiw, Ch. 10, 17)
    Tutorial Session 6: quizzes on chapter 16

  • Lecture 10, 22.11.2010, 7:40–9:15 a.m./9:20-11:00 a.m., Lecture Room P3 (KPMG Hall)
    Lecture 10: Labor Market (Mankiw, Ch. 18, 19, 20)
    Tutorial Session 7: quizzes on chapter 17

  • Lecture 11, 29.11.2010, 7:40–9:15 a.m./9:20-11:00 a.m., Lecture Room P3 (KPMG Hall)
    Lecture 11: Capital and Land Markets (Mankiw, Ch. 18, 26, 36, 37)
    Tutorial Session 8: quizzes on chapter 18

  • Lecture 12, 06.12.2010, 7:40–8:55 a.m./9:00-10:30 a.m., Lecture Room P3 (KPMG Hall)
    Lecture 12: Public Goods and Common Resources (Mankiw, Ch. 11)
    Tutorial Session - (preliminary) Final Exam 1

  • Lecture 13, 13.12.2010, 7:40–8:55 a.m./9:00-10:30 a.m., Lecture Room P3 (KPMG Hall)
    Lecture 13: Frontiers of Microeconomics (Mankiw, Ch. 22)
    Tutorial Session - (preliminary) Final Exam 2

Homework Assignments
  • Homework 1
  • Homework 2

Written Exam Information
  • Final Exam: 24.01.2011, 1:30-3:00 p.m., Lecture Room P3 (KPMG Hall) - 10 fill-the-gaps, 10 true/false, 30 multiple choice questions on Mankiw, Chapters: 1-5, 7-8, 13-18, 21;

    Preliminary dates: 06.12./13.12.2010, 9:00-10:30 a.m.

    Final Exam 1 (06.12.2010) test A , test B
    Performance statistics: Min: 25; Max: 46; Average: 35.85; distribution

    Final Exam 2 (13.12.2010) test A , test B
    Performance statistics: Min: 21; Max: 40; Average: 27.00; distribution

    Final Exam 3 (24.01.2011) test A , test B
    Performance statistics: Min: 17; Max: 43; Average: 26.33;
    Final score distribution
    • Final score/grade conversion scale:
      >90 (A+); 80-89.99 (A); 70-79.99 (B); 60-69.99 (C); 50-59.99 (D); 40-49.99 (E); <39.99 (F)